In the recent past, there has only been one album for which I have been willing a hands-down, recommend to any and everyone with a ironclad guaruntee that they would love the album: that was Fleet Foxes
I haven't been willing to give such a strong recommendation until now. I know I have blogged about them in the last few days, but feel the need to do so again. Let me introduce Mumford & Sons
To top it off, is selling it for $7.99.
So here is my guarantee-clad recommendation (I won't do this very often, so I'm quite serious about this).
I hereby promise you that if you purchase this album, you WILL love it.
No matter what kind of music you are into, you will love this. If you don't, well, then I will have to seriously reconsider my acumen as a self-proclaimed purveyor and connoisseur of fine music.
Here are a few samples:
I agree 100%