World of Vibrations
[download mp3]
The Craft [2005]
This blog is now closed.
Please go to the new blog, Desert Island Mixtapes for all the latest posts.
Please go to the new blog, Desert Island Mixtapes for all the latest posts.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thom Yorke debutes some NEW SONGS in Cambridge
Thanks to for the heads up and image.
Mr. Yorke played a few new songs the other night at a Green Party benefit in Cambridge at the Cambridge Corn Exchange. With the recent acouncements that Thom Yorke's previously unnamed ???? band will now be called Atoms for Peace (consisting of Mauro Refosco, Joey Waronker, Flea and Nigel Godrich) and that Radiohead MIGHT have finished work on a full length new Radiohead LP . . . these are exciting times.
We can only imagine if these songs will find their way onto a new Thom Yorke record, or are these stripped down versions of an already finished Radiohead LP?! Let the rumor mill commence!
Wherever they end up, if anywhere at all, they are among the softer of Yorke/Radiohead's tunes. Great use of pedal looping on the latter 2. For videos of the songs, see
Enjoy the new tunes.
Thom Yorke (Radiohead) - Give Up the Ghost (Live in Cambridge) [mp3]
And, while you're at it, go buy some old tunes! Amazon has some super cheap deals on mp3 albums right now!
And, while you're at it, go buy some old tunes! Amazon has some super cheap deals on mp3 albums right now!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Bands you Should Know Nr. 002 - Rocky Votolato
Rocky Votolato
Signed to Barsuk Records and Second Nature Recordings
Singer songwriter in the Dylan tradition.
New album, True Devotion
, is a great return to his stripped-down, no frills, roots.
from True Devotion
from Makers
from Makers
from Suicide Medicine
from Suicide Medicine
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
We are the #15 most Influential Music Blog on Earth (for the moment)
Music Snobs Anonymous is the 15th most influential music blog on earth.
Currently, the blog's "Music Authority" score has catapulted to 668. Up 430 spots in the last couple days, this has also placed the blog at the #1 spot of "Top Risers" according to Technorati.
This is obviously the product of the recently reported flurry of activity here on the blog and increased traffic. Upon investigation, much of the recent traffic came from It has always been a source of traffic for this blog, but never before had it sent 800+ visitors to the blog in a single day! In particular, my posting of Ratatat's "Seventeen Years" launched the blog to #20 on's Top Blogs for the week of February 15-22, being "favorited" 1,144 times by members.
The ongoing Free Music Giveaway Contest is generating some good traffic as well.
I had better enjoy my 15 minutes of fame while it lasts!
What can I say, in the words of Ron Burgundy, "I'm kind of a big deal."
What can I say, in the words of Ron Burgundy, "I'm kind of a big deal."
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Bands you Should Know Nr. 001 - Band of Horses
Band of Horses
From Seattle.
Signed to Subpop Records
2 Great LPs plus some miscellanious tracks.
Go buy them all.
from The Funeral 7"
from Cease to Begin
from Cease to Begin
Lots of New Traffic!
I just glanced at the google analytics for this blog to see how the Free Music Contest Giveaway was doing in generating traffic. I don't know if it is the contest or something else, but traffic SPIKED! 1,198 hits in the last 2 days, 1,170 of which were new visitors.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Free Music Contest
Free Music Contest!!!
In the recent past, I have acquired a few free digital downloads that accompanied various vinyl records I have purchased. For most of these, I already owned a digital copy, and my free digital downloaded zip files have been sitting on my computer, waiting for a home. So, I'm going to give them away as part of a contest.
The Goods:
J. Tillman - A Year in the Kingdom
Tied for my #1 of the album last year. Read my review here.
Damien Jurado - Caught in the Trees
#39 on my top albums of the decade list . . . probably should have been a LOT higher.
The Format - Dog Problems
#8 on my top albums of the decade list. The album release show in Phoenix was also one of my favorite concerts of all time.
The Rules:
1. Post a promotion for this blog on your blog, myspace, facebook or other internet site.
2. Send me an email with the link to your post (musicsnobsanonymous[at]
3. In about a month, I will randomly select a winner who will receive a zip file of ONE of these albums (your choice).
4. From there, the process will be repeated for the remaining albums.
5. This is a free and legal copy of the album, downloaded legally, never used by me and yours to keep.
Please spread the word about the contest and the blog!
Damien Jurado,
Free Music Contest,
J. Tillman,
The Format
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Stream Rocky Votolato's new album, True Devotion, at Paste Magazine
After some troubling devolutions into alt-country no-man's-land, he is back with what listens to me like Suicide Medicine Vol. 2. A triumphant and much appreciated return to form!
Buy it on Amazon
on February 23rd, or now on iTunes.
Download a track while you're at it:
New Shearwater Video - Hidden Lakes
Thanks stereogum!
New Shearwater video for the new Golden Archipelago LP
Here are a couple sample mp3s and really are some of the album's top tracks
Shearwater - Castaways [mp3]
Shearwater - Black Eyes [mp3]
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Black Eyed Peas accidentally parody themselves and how horrible and soulless they have become
(Thanks to Stereogum for the heads up on this one.)
Let me present a 10 minute BEP video that is about 10 minutes too long.
In any case, it is worth watching the intro skit. The irony of discussing some new piece of future technology that would essentially allow computers to generate all the music, with no human input or "soul" as Fergie puts it, is just hilarious. OH THE IRONY!!!
Fergie asks, "so you're saying a machine can do anything that an artist of group can do?"
Let me answer that question for you Fergie.
"Yes. A machine can do pretty much anything you and your Peas have been doing for the last 1/2 decade or more. As a matter of fact, I have been wondering for a while if a machine has been producing your music. And I'm not talking about the major record label / mainstream radio / mindless entertainment kabal that has been making, promoting, buying (and nominating for grammys) your music. That machine is quite obvious. I think an increasingly bland-o-matic has been making your music for a while."
Most people should have tuned you guys out soon after "Bridging the Gap" was released. This is just further evidence of the devolution in progress.
Behold: the downfall of western civilization
Monday, February 15, 2010
Promoting New Music Nr. 02
I don't listen to many bands with female lead vocals. Why? Because I can't sing along as well. It is just that simple.
However, I would like to plug a great new act from Pittsburgh with some great female vox:
Some really great indie-folk, at times. On a few tracks, like "The Hourglass Waltz," the vocals wax a bit too much "Cranberries" for my tastes.
In any case, check them out at
You can listen to their new EP in its entirety at their Indiecater Records label website:
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Weird hairy beard guy from internet ads
Lately, I have been collecting ads that feature this really creepy looking bearded guy. They pop up on facebook, the and elsewhere. Has anyone else noticed this? More importantly, does anyone know who this guy is?!
So far, these are all pretty standard. He's sporting a hairy chest it the first one, but then in the 2nd, his hair has been tamed a bit via photoshop, and it look like they drew a shirt on him.
Here is where it gets even wierder.
Mr. Weird Beard has started popping up in ads targetting Moms.

Is it just me, or is this a bit odd. "Hey Moms, this creepy hair guy thinks you should go back to school."
If anyone finds any more of these, please send them my way - maybe I'll start an archive of creeper ads.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Drew Danburry - Goodnight Gary details
You may have already read my review of Drew Danburry's upcoming LP, Goodnight Gary. If you have not, do so.
Regardless of what you have or have not read, the album is officially out (February 9th) and available on
! So go buy it!
You can listen to the album from start to finish on his website, (and download a BUNCH of free songs from previous releases).
You can also add him on his Facebook fan page
and listen to the album there!
Go forth! Purchase
Monday, February 8, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Snow + Doldrums = Snowldrums
What is it about the winter cold and snowstorms that send me spinning into an all-day binge of listening to Dent May & His Magnificent Ukulele
and nothing else?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Song du Jour Nr. 042
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
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