This blog is now closed.

Please go to the new blog, Desert Island Mixtapes for all the latest posts.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sigur Ros Hoppipolla & Glosoli Videos

These are 2 of my favorite videos of all time. More than any other band, Sigur Ros always seems to capture something in their music videos. As I don't understand a word of the actual lyrics, my experience with their music is purely based on sounds and the feelings they emote in me. Somehow, these videos seem to perfectly embody what the music makes me feel. These 2 videos are perhaps the best examples.

Buy this band. Love them.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

OLD Sigur live video

Sigur Ros recently posted this very early live video from back in the Agaetis Byrjun days. They look really young!

nýja lagið from on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sunny Day Real Estate Reunion!

From 107.7 The End Seattle

Sunny Day Real Estate Reunion - Confirmed!

It’s official!
The oft rumored Sunny Day Real Estate reunion is happening!
here are the details:
Sunny Day Real Estate
10/16/09 8:00pm
The Paramount
Tickets are on sale next week…and are sure to go fast

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Selling 2 Saves the Day Vinyl LPs tomorrow

Selling a couple records on ebay if anyone is interested - Saves the Day's first 2 LPs. Auctions end tomorrow evening.

For Sale!!!

Steve Jobs' new iLiver

Steve Jobs got a liver transplant. I wonder if he got the new 4th gen. iLiver for the trasplant. Read here.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Minus the Bear studio update videos

Minus the Bear is currently recording in the studio. Here are some vids they have posted via twitter:

Minus The Bear on iLike - Get updates inside iTunes

Minus The Bear on iLike - Get updates inside iTunes

Minus The Bear on iLike - Get updates inside iTunes

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My favorite album EVER??? (re-post)

This is a first for me - I am re-posting an old post. Let me explain why: for quite a while the album discussed below topped my list of favorite albums of all time. Then, for some reason, it fell out of regular rotation on my iPod. Why? Perhaps I had listened to it a bit too much, perhaps I was distracted by other new music, perhaps I had listened to it so much that it was permanently lodged in my sonic-memory, thus obviating the need to actually play it again, because I was all in my head anyway.

In any case, I put it on today while writing and got really excited again about it. I have listened to this album more times than any other in my collection - and I am still not tired of it AT ALL! I love this album! So, without further blabbing - here is my previous blog post (with a few updates and edits) . . .

This is a band that everyone in the world should know: The Player Piano. Before breaking up in 2003, they released on the most musically mature and complex albums that I have ever seen come out of a local college scene. This is an album that I have listened to hundreds of times, and never gotten sick. And, to top it all off, they keep it interesting with almost no vocals. Their demise, prompted by members going to Harvard Law and other such lofty pursuits, was one of the saddest days in the Provo, UT music scene. Honestly, I think people probably held candlelight vigils. And, if they didn't, they should have.

But, good news folks - Friend of Mine Records, Inc., (a Japanese venture) re-released this album. Better yet, the reissue included 2 previously unreleased tracks - Jazz Odyssey and Cottus Carolinae, which had not been mixed in time to be included on the original Sunset Alliance release.

So here is what you do:
  1. Download this sample MP3 from their original album (see below)
  2. Listen to the other sample tracks available on The Player Piano's Myspace page
  3. Flood their Myspace inbox with messages begging them to reform, record a new album, go on tour and conquer the world (not necessarily in that order)
  4. Since the original release is LONG out of print (although Dave may have some left . . . I'm not sure), buy the Japanese re-issue. You can purchase it from Stinkweeds online, or perhaps contact Dave at the Sunset Alliance - he might have some copies.
This is an album to play on a long solo road trip or to put on a nice pair of hi-fi headphones and be engulfed by.


The Player Piano - After the Fact [download mp3]

New Grand Archives song

As previously posted, Grand Archives is releasing their new album, Keep in Mind Frankenstein, on September 15, 2009. Below is a link for the first song to be previewed off the album. Not my favorite GA song, but good to hear that they haven't gone in some horrible direction that I can't stand! I will be very excited fro September!

Grand Archives - Silver Among the Gold [from Keep in Mind Frankenstein]
Download mp3

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sabzi of Blue Scholars & Common Market talks Making Beats

this is part 3 of a 3 part interview, but the most interesting section I think. Sabzi, DJ and Producer of Blue Scholars and Common Market gives a demonstration of how he makes his beats.

This makes me want to get a few thousand dollars worth of computer gear and start a studio.

Add them to your collection!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Stream Bonnaroo LIVE online (right now!)

Stream it all live from AT&T.

Click the link below

Bonnaroo 2009 Live Webcast

Monday, June 8, 2009

Drew Danburry covers Weezer

Well done my fine sir! Well done! I especially like the creepers standing and singing harmonies in the hallway.

Buy some Drew!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Best Albums of 2009: May

Best Albums of 2009

Rather than compiling a huge list at the end of the year, not having enough time to do a good job, and simply throwing something together really fast, I'm going to start compiling my thoughts on albums over the whole year - month by month. Some of these may have actually been released earlier in the year, but are in this months set because this is when I got my hands on them.

May Edition

Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Phoenix has been on my shortlist of bands that I have been meaning to try out for quite some time. Boy am I glad that I finally did. First, I saw that they were playing on SNL, so I gave the performances a look and was just blown away. Check them out here and here. This album is so full of energy and is a great blend of electronica without getting overbearing in attempts to be experimental (as it seems SOOOO MUCH of the electronica genre does). This is well crafted indie-pop that is fresh and original while seeming very familiar at the same time. There were no tracks that I had to go back and relisten to because I didn't quite get it. Yet, I didn't find myself getting bored with any of the tracks either. An all around awesome, very fun, high engery album. Officially my favorite French band now. Top tracks include all, but certainly check out the 2 singles that have been put out so far: Lisztomania [download mp3] and 1901.

Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band:
Outer South

I first heard Oberst's "solo" debut last summer while on a long solo road trip in Montana. I downloaded it while sitting in the Montana State University Archives and since I only had my laptop with me, could not load it onto my iPod to listen to while driving - so I stuck an audio cable from my laptop to the aux port in my car. Awkward, but satisfying. I found that album refreshing. Distinct from Bright Eyes, but recognizably Oberst (not just the vox, but lyrics and style as well). Coming off of that, Outer South is a little disappointing. I don't care for any of the songs sung by other band members, and it is clear which songs were not written by Oberst. There are clear deliniations of quality in song-writing throughout the album. I think those songs should have been excised. The album seems a bit bloated and the fat which could be trimmed easy to identify. The songs that are good, however, are very good. Top tracks include Slowly (Oh so Slowly) [download mp3], Ten Women, Nikorette and Roosevelt Room.

Also consider Conor's previous venture, Bright Eyes

Iron & Wine:
Around the Well

It is hard to believe that an Iron & Wine double-disc (triple vinyl LP) isn't at the top of this months list! For Iron & Wine fans, it is definitely worth picking up! However, if you are extremely OCD like me and have to collect every single last rarity track of the bands you like, you probably already had most of the songs from Around the Well. With the exception of God Make the Automobile, I had already dug these up. So, if you haven't dug them up and especially if you like the more lo-fi end of Iron & Wine's discography, this is a must buy. And, don't worry, there are plenty of more hi-fi tracks as well. My favorites (which have been played quite a bit on my iPod for the last couple years) are Dearest Forsaken, Communion Cups and Someone's Coat [download mp3], Sinning Hands and The Trapeze Swinger.

Jeremy Enigk:
OK Bear

First - I would like a pair of the sweet kicks that the kid is wearing on the albums cover. Nice! As Enigk himself has explained, this LP is a bit more similar to Sunny Day Real Estate than his previous solo efforts. That is both good and bad. I like hearing Enigk with a little bit of edge. The Fire Theft was very satisfying in that way. However, I (and my wife) became very attached to the lush strings and acoustics of World Waits, The Missing Link and the United States of Leland soundtrack. I like OK Bear, but if I had my pick, I would plunge Enigk deep back into his most latest styles - rich with strings, piano, acoustic guitars and quite harmonies. Top tracks include Just a State of Mind [download mp3], Same Side Imaginary and Vale Oso.

Joshua James:
Sing Songs [EP]

Joshua James is quickly rising on my list of bands that I sincerely hope break it huge! His songs are intimate, passionate and sincere. His voice took a little getting used to, but now it has really grown on me. This new little 5 song EP is great and combined with Crash This Train/The Garden mini EP from last year spells good things for his upcoming 2nd full length LP. I hate to try and make comparisons, but something like a mix of Elliott Smith, J. Tillman, Bright Eyes, etc . . . You get the general idea. Go buy everything this guy has put out. Support local musicians! Here's a sample: Baby Boy [download mp3].

John Vanderslice:
Romanian Names

Oh Mr. Vanderslice. I really liked Pixel Revolt. I liked it a lot. I also enjoyed Emerald City, but not quite as much. Romanian Names disappoints me. First, I am fluent in Romanian, so I had high hopes for this LP. I'm not sure why that would make the album inherently better, but I thought, "Holy Crap! Someone other than me mentioned Romania! Awesome!" The album seemed inconsistent. It didn't hold together well. Some of the better tracks were Fetal Horses [download mp3], D.I.A.L.O. and Carina Constellation.

Grizzly Bear

After much prodding from friends, I reluctantly gave Grizzly Bear another try. I had given some of their previous work a few listens and really didn't like what I heard. Veckatimest is better, but not by much. I don't know what you call this style of vox - but it seems to be spreading like wildfire. Indie band after indie band has singers sounding like this, and I'm not a fan. This said, its not absolutely horrible. There are a few tracks that I enjoyed, but the majority of the album simply bored me. If I was on a road trip and a friend put this in, I wouldn't be gritting my teeth the whole time, but I probably wouldn't ask for a repeat spin. Top tracks include Two Weeks [download mp3], Ready, Able and While you were Waiting for Others.

Running LP List

  1. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (May)
  2. J. Tillman - Vacilando Territory Blues (January)
  3. Shark Speed - Sea Sick Music (April)
  4. The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love (March)
  5. Andrew Bird - Noble Beast (January)
  6. Say Hi - Oohs & Aahs (February)
  7. Art for Starters - Drugs Made / Drugs Ruined (April)
  8. Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band - Outer South (May)
  9. Iron & Wine - Around the Well (May)
  10. Jeremy Enigk - OK Bear (May)
  11. The Great Lake Swimmers - Lost Channels (March)
  12. Dent May and his Magnificent Ukuele - The Good Feeling Music of Dent May (March)
  13. Coconut Records - Davy (January)
  14. Jimmy Eat World - Clarity Live (April)
  15. Iain Archer - To the Pine Roots (April)
  16. The Appleseed Cast - Sagarmatha (February)
  17. John Vanderslice - Romanian Names (May)
  18. Peter, Bjorn and John - Living Thing (March)
  19. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest (May)
  20. Lateef the Truth Speaker - Truth is Love Mixtape (April)
  21. Vetiver - Tight Knit (March)
  22. General Elektriks - Good City for Dreamers (February)
  23. Dark was the Night compilation (April)
  24. Ben Kweller - Changing Horses (January)

Running EP List

  1. Common Market - The Winter's End (March)
  2. Death Cab for Cutie - Open Door (March)
  3. Joshua James - Sing Songs (May)
  4. The Mountain Goats and John Vanderslice - Moon Colony Blood Bath (April)